Posted by Jacques C.S. on Saturday, May 16, 2009
I recently started a new contract at a new customer. The
requirement is to look into his business process, improve his IT environment
and systems. We are building a new data center, migrate IT processes to Share
point and investing into a Data Warehouse. All of this in this turbulent time
you would ask?
Recession is on every CEO/CIO mind. If your business are not lean
you need to re-think your business model or is it? Early talks with my house friends in India and Middle-East is whispering
a slight improvement in the economical cycle. Positive news on exports and
continuing of projects on hold. Either way cutting cut and becoming lean or
invest to be ready for the upswing you need to align an change your business
Human nature tries to minimize risk by reducing the amount of
change and force us to cut down. In other words, to make a change, we try to
change less than we ought to, and therefore do not achieve what we aspire for.
This is because small change is not enough change –when it comes to
accomplishing our goals. In the end, we dream too small and therefore limit our
ability to reach desired goals.
The challenge is creating stakeholders in the new order and
neutralizing or eliminating those holding onto the old way. But how? Well, you
either change the people, the processes and the technology or you change the
Change require time it is an educational process. If there is no
time – if the urgency is too high – then you are going to have to change
people, painful though that is. In other words, you will have to replace them!
You’ll have to identify the people who will fight you and you’ll have to remove
them or isolate them. This is the hard way, and this is why its always best to
act early. Don’t get caught off guard.
If you are in need for Business and IT consulting or Leadership
development feel free to contact me.
Brgs – Jacques
“Where business and Knowledge meet”